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ICFM workshop 2022

The workshop was organized jointly with the International Commission of Penicillium and Aspergillus (ICPA, IUMS) and will be held prior to the IUMS congress (Rotterdam 20–22 July 2022). The symposiumtook place at the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht, the Netherlands, from 17–19 July 2022. The meeting was open to participants from academia and industrie, and  held in hybrid style, both of in-person (onsite) and remote (online), and oral and poster presentation presented


For the abstracts, list of participants click here.

For photograhs of the meeting click here.

click here for the programme


Registration for the symposium goes via the ICFM website (www.foodmycology.org). The registration fee is € 300,- (onsite), including lunch, coffee breaks, conference/social dinner(s) and abstract book. Accommodation should be arranged by the participants. Hotel de Biltsche Hoek (www.biltschehoek.com/en) is nearby and recommended. The registration fee for joining the symposium online is € 150,-. The registration fee will be refunded in case the event will be cancelled (e.g. as a result of the COVID-19 crisis). We strongly recommend to book flights, hotels etc. with cancellation option. General Terms and Conditions apply to registration, see www.foodmycology.org.

PAYMENT is possible via bank transfer only – we cannot accept credit cards!

Name bank: Regiobank – IBAN number: NL93 RBRB 0778 0059 68 – Address bank: Regiobank, Croeselaan 1, 3521 BJ Utrecht. Please mention ICFM workshop 2022.

Instruction of title and abstract submission

Abstracts can be sent in for three different kinds of presentations:

    • • Oral contribution, onsite
    • • Oral contribution, online
    • • Poster presentation
    • The abstract needs to be sent by E-mail to Jos Houbraken (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Rob Samson (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Please indicate ‘Abstract submission + name of the presenter’ as the subject of your E-mail. Also name the file of the abstract as ‘Abstract submission + name of the presenter’. Furthermore, indicate if you will be giving an oral presentation (onsite or online) or a poster presentation. All program presenters must register and pay for the symposium. If you do not register and do not inform the organization of your inability to register, your presentation may be withdrawn from the programme. The ICFM/ICPA will make the final decision as to whether the abstract will be accepted for presentation, with consideration given to the author’s preference.For more information on the abstract click here.


Important dates:

• February 1 2022: Registration open (via ICFM website, www.foodmycology.org).
• February 1 2022:Call to submit titles and abstracts for oral and poster presentations (open until April 15 2022).
• April 15 2022: Deadline for title and abstract submission.
• May 1 2022: Tentative program.
• July 1 2022: Closure of registration and final program.
• July 17 2022: Start symposium, until July 19 2022.

For information to previous ICFM meeting click here.